Saturday, November 30, 2013

Can Corporate Social Responsibility Emerge from Traditional Business Practices , and Experiences in Ethiopia?

Can Corporate Social Responsibility Emerge from Traditional Business Practices , and Experiences in Ethiopia? : An Example of the Ugly Face of  Unregulated Finance & Investments at Sululta, Cancoo.

 Edited by Lagabaso



What an essay!!!
It brings to light such contrasts as ....

.... in a district where there are more than 3 water bottling businesses the towns water Supply  is nothing more than the laid pipes.It is almost dry in greater than 75% of the time, I was there.

In a meadow and plains where the livestock roamed  for feed and water,there are restrictions today.Sign posts here and there with "No trespassing!""? ......No/less water for the livestock in the villages?;..... What about the streams? Are they not safe anymore???...

The resulting environmental destruction  forces one to question whether the benefits of this type of developments in the short term are comparable to the long term pollution and loss of livelihoods they create.... 

What about Labour relations?

....May be based on their main labour relations experience with domestic workers.and at most with labourers and traditional artisans in distilling 'Arake,Tella,Tej,etc... the forms of the " local spirits"" and drinks. They are at best  familiar with service workers in the s ales of the above in bars , and hotels; and nothing more.They are tied up with a notion of their work  as charity, and compassion for others.Some of them  th
nk your pay, whenever,and if it ever  paid, is a gift from them.

...If to vividly describe  the patterns how the local community is involved,if any, and sometimes pushed aside and in some cases relocated in back alleys away from the main roads.

At last, the  writer Says ""Please do not hate me!; as the report may be a bit different....from yours.'';and quotes what NELSON MANDELA  once said" Resentment is like drinking poison, and thinking it will kill your enemy!!''

It presents a personal experience   for all of you to learn from, judge and comment.

Why Sulultaa?
Finance : Source& Regulations
Rule of Law
Labour Laws
Environmental protection
Giving back to the community
Grey Areas of concern
Conclusions& Recommendations


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