Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Integrated Watershed Management, IWSM in the Limelight: A Genuine Development of Rural Infrastructure for the Rural poor or A Trending Globalization phenomenon?

Integrated Watershed Management, IWSM in the Limelight: A Genuine Development of Rural Infrastructure for the Rural poor or A Trending Globalization phenomenon or, even a nightmare?

As a soil and water conservationist, I am continuously involved in,  and continuously in strive to be informed (from literature,  discussions and mass media broadcasts, etc...).Besides, I had a number of business-like short acquaintances in the recent past with number of professionals working in the field of IWSM or in areas associated with it in our region. Through my works as a researcher, and professional who travels, I have come to see the various faces of environmental projects of local, regional and international nature.. To my surprise, I continuously heard some comments and arguments which are ; and in fact like self-centred opinions far from the scientific principles and practices of the subject area. As a result, I was initiated to bring the issues to the limelight for all of us to learn from each other. To break the ice, I thought I had to go back to the drawing board. As a consequence,
  1. I have put down some of the questions which necessitate a serious consideration.(in this Issue)
  2. Remembered the drought and famines in the 70’s and 80’s in Ethiopia which triggered massive food Aid programmes; and consequently Watershed programmes as we know them.
  3. An agonizing situation of recent trends in inland water bodies in Ethiopia as a crude example   of the magnitude of the problem (water body pollution Biota degradation, loss of livelihoods, etc..) .(in this Issue)
  1. Recent talks about the Climate Resilience in the Sahel region: saving Lake Chad, etc.. (Which had already shrank from 25km2 to 2kms2)       

Please forgive me for the bold language, and opinions, if any, that are unpleasant and unpalatable. They are not intentionally aimed otherwise, except to provoke/stir up discussions.

As they say ‘’ an educated person is measured by the power of willingness and ability he possesses to listen to opposing arguments.’’

Please see through and comment.

The full essay is due soon.....

1.     How much simplification /to allow/tolerate for mass mobilization and/or to satisfy the ego of over ambitious plans

1.1      What is your overall objective of the IWSM?

a.      To solve real catchment scale problems of degradation/loss of rural livelihoods
b.    To distribute food for drought and famine victims through ‘environmental protection’ labour rather than free handouts
c.   To distribute cash so as to create employment for destitute rural population /for security reasons?/
d.      For security  reasons to curtail militancy
e.      To gain acceptance  to spread out our  convictions/ways of thinking / opinion/
 as a lubricant to be heard/politics,religion.etc../

1.2      Technical objectives

a.      To improve/sustain farming livelihoods by increasing productivity, reducing erosion, production of fodder and tree plantations, community water supply, and irrigation/land development,....................
b.      To Increase water yield of the catchment/
c.       To reduce sediment load from the catchment/mainly where?
Cultivated land, gully control, land  slides. etc. mining pits (quarry.
d.      To solve energy and construction materials needs through Firewood, and plantations
e.      To combat desertification and create climate resilience
f.        To reduce water body pollution. If so how to control/reduce rural
Sewage/settlement and livestock/; and village solid waste.
g.      Manage aid/loans of natural disasters

1. 3     Design and implementation boundary

a.      Catchment scale; small watersheds
b.      Administrative boundary
                                                              i.      Woreda of your choice/ Farmers of your choice/
                                                            ii.      willing farmers who present Petition of help

c.       Undertake watershed study
d.      Where to start
e.      Approaches and methods of study and project evaluation

                                                                                      i.      If to dispose excess water, Grassed waterways atleast a rainy season earlier; or after terraces are constructed

1.4      Who to work with

  • How do you select your professionals/experts and specialists?(Through contacts, recommendation of clients institution; political influence,...)
  • Do you need in-country /Local/ expertise; and experience
  • Do you recruit on equal opportunity basis? /No nepotism, No discrimination/
  • Tolerate new ideas and ways of doing things:Accept Who can think outside the box -or/they are not needed?
  •  You prefer followers who are used to performing when, and as told.

1.5      Catchment /watershed/ study

The study
Base data collection
Approaches and methods
Problem assessment; quantification
Pilot Trial studies
Supported by local research data
Base Maps
Contour map-Slope class-LCC-LU-proposed conservation design
NOTE:-only started very recently (in the last decade/10 years/) after serious arguments/collisions with consultants for years in oromia
Mechanical measures –
for what?
Water removal/or water harvesting
Biological measures
Vegetal Barrier strips for benching effect

Terrace and check damns design specifications
 How much RO?
What formula to employ? blanket recommendations?
Mannings’ Formula & roughness coefficient-used when, and under what conditions?
Non-submerged flow conditions? Run off from mountainous catchment??
Note:-A MoWR consultant study(Expatriate) proposed use of it for...  to design waterway canals for control of DireDawa flood(floods carrying large boulders...

Examples of some of the questions to be asked  in design considerations for terraces, and check dams are given below!!!  (Chapter  3.3)

2. Tugging SWC/SLM out of its comfort zone of the Science  and   Technology domain:  Historical & Emerging features


Right from the start of the SWC programmes following the 1974 famines, there has been a strong argument about the establishing institutional belief that treated SWC as an art and not a science, and technology. SWC was taken as a mass mobilization activity requiring no rigorous planning and design: as simple as planting trees; and blanket recommendations of SWC measures such as terraces was taken as panacea.
 Besides, it was taken not as a useful and indispensable science by its own right, but as a surrogate of expatriate solutions for droughts and famine. Thus, In the early years,   FFW. And FFC took the centre stage of the watershed development programmes. Forestry of exotic trees everywhere; terracing of hillslopes; Area closures and miniature checkdams put on gully beds became the core activity. The projects followed the main asphalt roads leading to major cities with relatively good hotels and recreational facilities. What a weekend for the visitors!!

Road side plantings for promotional/exhibition purposes were prominent. Hill slopes along all weather-road/accessible areas were targeted. Their aim was propaganda and a receipt to settle finances as they were later called ‘political forests’.

3.     How much of oneself should we sacrifice to get help to help ourselves?

3.1                        Contracting out core Activities

In this Current era of globalization and the overriding neo-liberal thinking wrongfully understood by most of our leaders in the developing countries, It has become the trend to see some major core activities of the government being contracted/leased out to private companies. Consequently, aspects of Basic services to the society/nation/ such as Education, Natural Resources protection, health, etc are largely managed by institutionalized non-governmental actors put in governmental channels.
May be, it is the ‘modern& acceptable’ way of capacity building; I don’t know. What I definitely know and argue about is the need for local management, expertise ,and experience taking the leading role; and supported by others, if need be.

3.     How much ’ferenjization’ should we allow to secure loans/aids and appease donors/globalization


3.1      Running Programmes, and Projects;   Managing Funds

One of the recent trends in Developing countries is that donors are becoming more reluctant to fund research and natural resources development projects as usual. They are overtaking the management of funds and projects through International organization representatives, or newly created “NGO’ like organizations.

It is undeniable that we , as one of the poorest nation on the globe, and a  developing country absolutely need the knowledge transfer and experience sharing from expatriates..These are in distinct and selected areas requiring the state of the art science and technology..Nonetheless, we ought to be smart enough to learn from our colleagues in the developing countries who have preceded us in pursing this goal to exploit the ever diminishing cooperation and help on equal footings with dignity and respect. Inclusion of employment of foreigners doesn’t have to be a lubricant for every fund obtained In areas we are capable of The accords ought to result in us benefitting from proven ways and methods of doing things. We have to  identify our needs, prior to any act of  importing even for  practically proven experience and skills.

Furthermore, one of the issues which is always mentioned is that recipient countries are corrupt...Aid will not reach targeted communities...Come on guys! Does corruption have colour? If it does, I think, it is not necessary dark..it is probably the ‘white elephant’ who needs a lot for face lifting.

Besides, we need to lead our national programmes of environment and development. We should be the ultimate ones to determine our fate. We should own our projects and programmes. Do we really need expatriates to manage the Funds? Even though, a helping hand as knowledge and experience sharing is not bad; I don’t necessarily think that we be subordinate in the process. We can make reasonable decisions on what is ought to be done, and where it should be? We have the professional capacity and ability to run our affairs. In this case,  to select a project area of critical need with the maximum possible results is not beyond our reach.

3.2      Temperate climate Experience

Temperate climate with its Rainfall intensity and pattern soil types, flat topography and produces if completely different from the tro[ics.This is more so in the field of soil& water conservation.
Do we need temperate climate Land use and soil & water conservation experience then?
Can we use western USDA Method of LCC, and LU Planning?
What will happen to the tree and cash crops grown on hill slopes(>12% maximum in USDA classification)
Modify as in any other tropical land  use and agricultural system?
Available alternatives: Sheng’s treatment oriented LCC

3.3   Examples of design considerations

3.3.1    Checkdams

Wing walls/ Side locks/
Side bank modification & bed Slope stabilization
Aprons above and below dam axis – tree branches?
Artificial/natural re-vegetation of gullies
Check dams are first line of defence to be reinforced by vegetation
Overflow/crest weir
Flow diversion upslope if possible.

            3.3.2   Terraces

bench/or channel? stone or earthen?
For bench Terraces
Physical construction/or Development of Bench Terraces
             stage wise development from barrier strips/grass strips /trash lines/infiltration zones/agro-forestry?
Level or drainage terraces?
Determine drainage/absorptive type based on Rainfall /or what parameter?
Note: early this Ethiopian year a senior national SLM specialist suggested and argued that terraces are designed as level/or graded based on soil moisture content
Use contour guidelines and pegs
Contour guidelines smoothening to get  smooth curves?

If graded terraces-
Bed slopes based on soil type

Compaction same along flow gradient
Continuity of flow-take it where?
collect runoff in volume, and velocity(high energy)and release it somewhere-like highway roadside ditches?
Integration of mechanical measures With other farm activities eg paths and roads/livestock trails

Stone terraces
Why stone?
Type of stone
Put flat bottom for stable gravity



1.  Characteristics of some Reservoirs in Ethiopia: Recent Status of  Representative old Dams (Ligdi, 2010a)

The Aba Samuel Dam  
            One of the oldest and abandoned storage reservoir constructed on the Akaki River at Akaki-South of Addis Ababa, is the Aba Samuel Dam. It was constructed in 1939 for hydro-power production. Reservoir sedimentation survey was carried out in 1983 after 44 years of service & the average specific sediment yield was estimated at 445 t'km2/yr.).  Besides the non point source pollutants from agricultural sediments, the Aba Samuel reservoir has long been entertaining the sediment yields from construction and mining sites in its watershed in and  around the city. Furthermore, the dam receives point source pollutants in the form of urban waste, domestic (raw) sewage and factory effluents and contaminants from the tributaries of Akaki River which drain the city of Addis Ababa. As a result, it is polluted with eutrophication and signs of cynobacterial toxicity and abandoned long ago.
The Koka  Dam
            The Koka reservoir has been created as a result of the construction of the Koka Dam in 1959 for developing hydroelectric power. Awash and Modjo rivers which are heavily laden with sediments during the flood season are the two main rivers which flow to the reservoir. According to a recent bathymetric survey, the capacity of Koka reservoir has been reduced from 1667Mm3 in 1959 to 1186 Mm3 in 1998 .The loss on total capacity over 39 years is 481 Mm3 i.e. 28.8% of the total storage volume. The average annual loss of capacity is 0.74% and annual silting rate is 12.32 Mm3. It was found that about 397.1 Mm3 (i.e. .82.6%) has been deposited in the active storage. The displacement of 481 Mm3 of water per year by sediments translated to energy loss and the subsequent output lost (by manufacturing sector)  will be tremendous. The sediment deposits in the reservoir including the year 2000 have grown to be a serious threat to the intakes at the dam and have already reduced the useful storage volume by 30.3%.(Haile,2001) .In addition to sedimentation the lake is affected with incoming factory effluents and contaminants from the tributaries leading to eutrophication and signs of cynobacterial toxicity.
The Gefersa  Dam
            The Geffersa dam with a catchment area is 55 km2 was constructed in 1955 at some 15 kms. west of the city, as a source of Addis Ababa city water supply. Over and above lose of capacity, the increasing sediment loads and siltation is causing water quality deteriorations and initiating costly additional water purification requirements further exacerbating the task to satisfy the skyrocketing demands of the city. To this end, it has gone through various improvements and upgrading including construction of series of additional dams built upslope ,in addition to raising the dam height during  its  recent renovation. Currently, Geffersa III (since 1986) dam acts a sediment trap for Geffersa I and II.


2.  Recent  changes and Emerging trends  in Inland  Water Bodies  in Ethiopia

     A.    Causes of recent changes in Rift valley lakes as summarized by Ayenew  (2008)  are:
                        A.  Anthropogenic-  Excessive water use, Mismanagement
                        B.  Natural- Climate change- ( Global / local ),and
C.  Neo-tectonics.

He also mentioned the disturbing recent changes in Rift valley lakes as

·         Lakes show contrasting temporal variations in stage and size .
·         Complete drying up of lakes.(E.g.  Haromaya in the Eastern Hararghe highlands)
·         Disappearance of springs/swamps/ connected to the lakes

B.   Major emerging changes in Ethiopian Lakes (Ayenew 2007, Ligdi 2008,2010a)
    • Lakes show contrasting temporal variations in stage and size . Some are expanding  eg. Lake Beseka (areal), Lake Hawassa (Rising levels)); and some are shrinking (e.g..Abiata and Ziway)
    • Complete drying up of lakes.(E.g. Lange , Kersa, and recently Adele and Haromaya in the Eastern Hararghe highlands)
    • Disappearance of springs/swamps/ connected to the lakes ( E.g. wetland degradation)
    • Change in the biodiversity (biota degradation, decline in fishery Stocks ,etc…)
    • Change in constituents and water quality deterioration (sedimentation, eutrophication, and signs of cynobacterial toxicity

C.          The main anthropogenic effects on waterbodies (Ligdi,2008, 2010a)
    • Habitat & Species degradation (biota in the form of riparian vegetation, ecotones, wetlands, etc...; ,fisheries; other biodiversity);
    • Water level flactuations (diversion of tributaries, excessive withdrawals, seasonal flooding, etc...)
    • Sedimentation from non point source pollution ( causing rising water levels, flooding, storage loss, water quality deterioration & eutrophication) ; plus
    • point source pollution from domestic waste(urban + rural), urban (and settlement+livestock) sewage,and industrial effluent  leading to
    • Eutrophication and  Cynnobacterial  toxicity due to incoming high loads of Nitrogen & Phosphorus  and toxic metals  [Aba Samuel, Koka, Awassa, Tana]                                 


D.               The agonizing case of Lake Haromaya (Ligdi,2010a)
            One of the best cases in point to show the recent trends in inland water bodies in Ethiopia  is the drying up and sudden disappearance of Lakes in the eastern Hararghe highlands in Oromia.. There were around 3 other lakes which completely dried up in the Eastern Hararge Highlands in Oromia in the last half century or so. Lake Haromaya is the recent victim  of the phenomenon resulting in complete drying up since around 2004.

 The Present Day Lake Haramaya : From a Water Source to a Grazing Land.

The Haromaya  lake used to cover a surface area of 472 hectares and received a mean annual rainfall of 723 mm. The Haromaya lake was once the largest source of fresh water and for  over 40 years( 1961 – 2004) , it  had provided  fresh water for domestic(human  and Livestock) water supply for the Haromaya and Harar towns.It had also supplied water for irrigation, and reently for industrial uses  in and around the Haromaya  and Harar towns and the vicinity. Furthermore, it had supported ecological life to fishes, and other species., besides being  a drinking  source and feeding place to birds and animals.
                Some 15 years ago, the lake had a maximum and mean depth of 8 m and 3.13 m respectively covering a surface area of 47.9 km2. Now, the lake is completely dry since around 2004. Groundwater is on average 3 meters below the dried lake bed. Regrettably, the present day Lake Haramaya has changed from a water source to a grazing land.
                A multitude of factors may have contributed to the drying up  of the lake which requires serious investigations. Ecological, hydrological and Geological (fructure) causes have been postulated since.
Nevertheless, the drying up of the lake has largely affected domestic and   industrial water uses, recreation, fisheries and agricultural activities.

3.` Strategies for Dealing with Reservoir Sedimentation

The following four main strategies are recommended to reduce sedimentation problem in storage reservoirs (Basson & Rooseboom. (1996) mentioned in Haile,(2001))

1.      Minimize sediment loads entering the reservoir through;
            Soil and water conservation programmes (Integrated Watershed Management, IWRM); Upstream trapping of sediment (debris dams or vegetation screens); and Bypassing of            high sediment loads (bypass tunnel or channel, or off-stream storage that allows    floods
             to be passed in the river).

2. Minimize deposition in reservoirs through;
            Drawdown and sluicing: passing sediment-laden flows through the reservoir by means   
             of drawing down the water level; and venting density current

3. Removal of accumulated sediment deposits through;
            Flushing by drawing down the water level , in many cases, emptying the reservoir            during floods or in the rainy season; Mechanical excavation or dredging;         Conventional   hydraulic dredging; and Hydraulic dredging by use of gravity (Transport of sediment in            pipeline or by free surface flow in channels or tunnels).

4. Compensating for reservoir sedimentation;
            Maintain long-term storage capacity by raising the dam; Abandon or decommission        the silted reservoir and construct a new reservoir; and   Import water from elsewhere.

4.        Conventional hydro-technical technologies for reduction of sediment yield (Gogus, 2007)

1. Vegetative screens
            Vegetation normally seeds on exposed delta deposits of reservoirs to form natural           vegetative screens which reduce inflow velocities and increase the roughness
coefficients, encouraging deposition above the reservoir crest elevation within the
reservoir basin or immediately upstream.
 2. Watershed structures
Several types of structures may be built in a watershed for the specific purpose of 
reducing sediment yield to a reservoir. These include such structures as sedimentation
basins to trap sediment below eroding areas and erosion control structures to halt the
production of sediment.
            The reduction of channel erosion normally requires a structure. In a watershed, where  
the primary source of sediment is derived from channel erosion, installation of control    structures may have an appreciable effect in reducing sediment yield to a reservoir.  
Such structures include drop inlets and chutes for reduction of gully erosion, stream-
bank revetment to reduce stream-bank erosion, and sill or drop structures for
stream bed stabilization.
 3. Watershed land -treatment measures
  Land treatment measures provide an effective and economical means of reducing
             erosion and sediment yield where the primary source of sediment is sheet (Raindrop,  Rill  and Inter-rill) erosion. These measures include soil improvement, proper tillage
 methods, strip  cropping, terracing, and crop rotations and others.

 4. Control of wind erosion
            Wind erosion is a serious problem in areas of low precipitation, frequent drought, and
             where temperatures, evaporation, and wind speeds are high.

5.        Summary of available information (figures and values) on physical description and water quality parameters of Lake Tana.

NOTE :-The available information (figures and values) on the physical description of the lake (Length, Area, Volume , etc…); and water quality parameters given in previous study & research documents differ & are not consistent through. Based on a literature review, summary of the comparisons of data on the Physiography of the Lake (Table I) and some Selected Physical and Chemical Water Quality Results from Previous Works is presented in Table II.    

Table I: Summary of Comparison of various data and figures on the description of the
               Physiography of Lake Tana (Sub-basin) based on Results from Previous Works.            
Date of Sampling
·      Surface Area of Lake Tana (km2)
3000 – 3500
Late 1990 are...
BCEOM (1998)
E. Dejen (2003)

Ashine (1998),

Wudneh (1998),

Oduola (2003)

www.worldlakes.org (2004).
Tesfahun & Demisse(2005).
85km wide x 65km Long
 84  long X 66km wide  
Tesfahun & Demisse(2005).
Setegn (2008)
·      Catchments Area of Lake Tana (km2)
15000 – 16500
1987 and 1997
E. Dejen 2003

(Tesfahun & Demisse(2005).
Setegn (2008)
·       Average depth (m)
8 – 9
Late 1990's
8 – 9
E. Dejen 2003
·      Max. Depth (m)
Late 1990's
E. Dejen 2003
Setegn (2008)
Storage Volume  (BCM)
28 - 29.2
Wassie, 2005
·      Shore line length (km)
Wassie, 2005
·      Altitude (masl)
Late 1990'
E. Dejen 2003
Setegn (2008)
Datum (hydrology Department)
(Personal communication)
·      Annual Soil loss in the Lake Tana Sub basin (Tone/ha)
30 – 100
1980's and 1990's
BCEOM, 1908
31 – 50
E. Dejen 2003

Data Source:-  Modified from MoWR (2008); Ligdi (2008, 2010c)
Table II: Summary of Comparison of various data and figures of some Selected Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameter Results of Lake Tana from Previous Works.                                            

Measured Figures/values
Source /
Reported by
·      PH Values
7.50 - 8.87
1940 and 1997
6.8 - 8.3
Wassie, 2005
·      EC (µS/cm)
105 – 234
115 – 148
Wassie, 2005
·      Dissolved oxygen (mg/l)
3.3 - 10.8
5.9 - 7.3
2000 – 2002
E. Dejen 2003
·      Chlorophyll 'a' (mg/m3)
3.7 - 6.2
1986 and 1988
3.4 - 12.9
2000 – 2002
E. Dejen 2003
·      Biomass (mg C/m3)
·      Transparency (cm)
31 – 182
·      Temperature (°c)
18.3 - 26.2
20 -27
2000 – 2002
E. Dejen 2003

·      TDS (mg/l)
151 – 174
1925 and 1940
148 -178
2000 – 2002
E. Dejen 2003

·      Calcium (mg/l)
18 – 27
1925 and 1940
·      Magnesium (mg/l)
9 – 10
1925, 1940 and 1995
·      Chloride (mg/l)
1925 and 1940
·      Silica (mg/l)
·      Hardness (mg/l) as CaCo3)
·      Total Alkalinity (mg/l)
·      Turbidity (NTU)
13 – 85
2000 - 2002
E. Dejen 2003

·      Annual Soil loss in the Lake Tana Sub basin (Tone/ha)
30 – 100
1980's and 1990's
BCEOM, 1908
31 – 50
E. Dejen 2003
Data Source:-  MoWR,(2008); Ligdi (2008,2010c)

Ligdi,E.E., (2011).    Ecohydrology  & Sustainable Sediment Management in Inland water bodies in Ethiopia.
                  A  Review with a case Study  Site at Lake Tana in the Upper Blue Nile (Abbay) Basin in Ethiopia..A case    
                     Study Report.UNESCO-IHP;FRIEND/Nile Project, Phase II;Eco-Hydrology Component. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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