Etafa Emama Ligdi
Research Coordinator [Hydro meteorology, Water Resources & Watershed Management];
Ministry of water Resources, MoWR.
Ministry of water Resources, MoWR.
P. O. Box: 5744/5673
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Tel: +251 0116 611111 (Ext. 390) (Office)
+251 0116 515578 (wireless)
Fax: +251-1-610710
Mobile: +251 911 121725
Mobile: +251 911 121725
September, 2006
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
I. Introduction
II. Pertinent Research Topics
III. Constraints
IV. Way forward
V. References
Annex I: Background on Summary of Questionnaire Results: Identification of Water Related
Research Issues
I. Introduction: Water Resources R&D Coordination & Management
R&D in Ethiopian Water Sector is characterized by
· Being fragmented, uncoordinated and lacking visible achievements
· Coordination capacity Still lagging behind other sectors in Ethiopia such as the agricultural and Health sectors which have been built up over several decades
A comprehensive and integrated management of R&D is critical and of Strategic importance
The Study
The Ethiopian Science & Technology Agency, ESTA and the Ministry of Water Resources, MoWR commissioned a “study on R&D Activities in the Water Sector” in 2002.
The study’s inevitable conclusion:
· To establish Ethiopian Water Resources Research Institute, EWRRI
(But, due to”lack of capacity” not yet realized)
· Led to an interim arrangement and creation of R&D Co-ordination Department in the Ministry Of Water Resources, MoWR.
The R&D Coordination Department was set up in April 2003, as a Nucleus, with 3 Coordinators and a Head in the Ministry.
Duty of the Department
· Coordinate R&D on water resources related activities
· Disseminating research findings
· Training personnel involved in specialized skills
· Strengthening the existing R&D executing institutions
· Strengthening R&D co-operation with international organizations and foreign governments
· Develop short, medium and long term strategy
· Inventory of research undertakings to date
· Operate as depository and documentation center
· Promote efficient intercalation and consultative meeting
· Serve as a secretariat to the Council
The Ethiopian Water Resources Research Advisory Council (EWRAC) was formed with more than 25 institutions represented as a member.
Members’ selection is based on:
· Qualification: (Minimum MSC degree in water related fields and
5 years experience or PhD-3yr)
· Profession: (Engineers, Hydro-geologists, Economists, Environmentalists, Sociologists,
Political scientists, Water lawyers, etc...)
Duties of the Advisory Council:
· Develop long term capacity building strategy
· Identification of water sector priority areas
· Develop procedures for research topic identification
· Develop an appropriate mechanism/s for research output dissemination
· Evaluate research proposals and solicit funding
· Develop procedures for research review, evaluation and prioritization
· Evaluate the financial; and economic viability of research output
II. Pertinent water resource research topics
Five Broad Research Thematic Areas with 19 sub themes were identified by EWRAC.
1. Water Resources & Watershed Management:(Surface Hydrology, Meteorology, River Engineering & Morphology, Ground water & Hydrogeology, Integrated Watershed Management & Soil and Water Conservation, Water Resources Management)
2. Irrigation & Drainage :( Irrigation, Drainage and Water harvesting)
3. Water Supply & Sanitation: (Water supply, Water Quality & Treatment, Sanitation &
Environmental Health)
4. Hydraulic Structures & Hydropower: (Hydraulics, Hydropower)
5. Institution & Policy Issue: (Institutional set-up in WRD, Socio- economics, Environment, Trans
boundary Governance and Water Law, water Policy)
Identification of water related research issues were done through analysis of Questionnaire responses (Annex I). And as a result, several priority research topics were identified in each thematic area.
A short summary is presented as follows.(see annex I for background on data source and collection)
Water Resources & Watershed Management
Research topics are:
· Adoption of IWRM principles
· Hydrological modeling in non-gauged or sparsely gauged catchments
· Groundwater yield and quality assessment
· Characterization of sub-surface geologic and hydro-geologic phenomena
· Development of of micro-scale discharge (flow) and sediment parameters for representative areas in Ethiopia
· Development of empirical models and regression equations for soil erosion and overland flow for different representative catchments in Ethiopia
· Development of model watershed for monitoring discharge/recharge and conjunctive water use
· Development of model watersheds for monitoring natural and human induced effects on land and water resources
· Assessment and performance evaluation of field drainage for for low lying valley bottoms
· Assessment, performance evaluation and adaptability trials on multiple-use water harvesting technologies for irrigation in moisture deficit areas
· Development of regulations on water allocation
· Development of strategy to promote and enhance the capacity of water research of national and regional research institutions
· Analysis and modeling of sediment transport in natural water bodies, reservoirs and diversion structures
Irrigation & Drainage
Research topics are:
· Development of guidelines, manuals, engineering parameters and strategic tools
· Irrigation scheduling and crop water requirement
· Physical and economic benefits of drainage systems and methodologies for their optimization
· Develop appropriate rainwater harvesting techniques including seepage and evaporation measures for storage
· Study hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural parameters
· Inclusion of socio-economic and environmental impact assessment studies in the study of water harvesting practices
· Impact of irrigation practices on MDG, PRSP, environment and health
Water Supply & Sanitation
Research topics are:
· Water quality and pollution of drinking water sources
· Impact of waste disposal with reference to water quality and eutrophication
· Impact of land use on water quality
· Groundwater quality trends with respect to human influences and over- pumping in areas of
· groundwater development
· Water quality modeling for the study of discharge/recharge mechanisms and pollutant transport
· Development of low cost chlorine dosing devices
· Investigations into solar technologies for use in water supply electromechanical systems
· Material specifications for water conveyance systems in water supply
· Studies on groundwater yield estimation methodologies, discharge/ recharge processes, circulation patterns and quantity / quality trends
· Adoption of water supply design standards
· Development of water demand management strategies and decision support systems in water supply and sanitation
· Development and enforcement of water quality standards and legal limits for pollution
· Environment and Health impacts associated with dams
· Environmental impact associated with water development
· Impact of land use and industrial effluent on water quality
· Scaling up of rural water supply schemes
· Aquatic ecology (flora, fauna, limnology, etc)
Hydraulic Structures & Hydropower
· Multipurpose use of dams and their structures
· Development of design criteria for hydraulic structures
· Technology transfer and construction material choices for hydraulic structures
· Hydraulic modeling
· Sediment transport
Institution & Policy Issue
· Development of legal and institutional frameworks for water resources development
· Review of water policy and legislation for:
§ •Water quality standards
§ •Industrial effluents
§ •Water allocation
§ •Pricing and
§ •Conflict management of water use
· Development of conflict management strategies for trans- boundary rivers
III. Constraints: R&D Department
The Immediate draw backs/limitations are:
No defined R & D Strategy
Inadequate Information and Knowledge Management
No Financial & Development Plan
Manpower Shortage
Budget: Lack of constant & reliable regular annual budget and Finance for:
Water Research Grant Scheme
Water R&D Running Costs & Capacity building
Lack of finance for incentives (for Researchers, Peer reviewers, Council members)
IV. Way forward
A study is on progress to clearly recommend how to “Institutionally Strengthen Water Research undertaking in Ethiopia”. R&D Department
The outcome of the said study is expected to address the issues of:
Governance, Role of the Department and WRAC, Information and Knowledge Management, Capacity Building and Fund Raising Mechanisms
Short, medium and long term strategy will be prepared
(Which eventually enable Ethiopian Water Resources Research Institute establishment in the
coming five years period)
V. References
1. ESTC/MoWR(2002). R&D activities in the water sector and formulation of Institutional Framework.MCE, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2. MoWR(2004). Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the EWRAC,R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, Addis Ababa , Ethiopia
3. MoWR(2006). Proceedings of the 2nd Annual EWRAC workshop, R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
4. MoWR (2005). Issue paper on water R&D: Current status, Existing problems & Suggested Remedies, R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, Addis Ababa , Ethiopia.
5. Etafa Emama Ligdi (2005). Review paper on Water R&D Coordination & Management, R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, Addis Ababa , Ethiopia.
6. Etafa Emama Ligdi (2006). Identification of priority research areas in water Resources and Watershed Management: A Questionnaire Summary (2004/5).R&D Coordination Department, MoWR. Add is Ababa, Ethiopia.
7. Etafa Emama Ligdi and Mulugeta H/sellase (2006). Institutional Arrangement for Water R&D. Paper presented to the 2nd Annual EWRAC Workshop, R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, Addis Ababa , Ethiopia
8. Etafa Emama Ligdi (2006). TOR for a detailed study on Phased implementation plan for the establishment of the Water Resources research Institute, WRRI. Paper presented to the 2nd Annual EWRAC Workshop, R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
9. MoWR (2005).Identification of Water Related Research Issues: Summary of Questionnaire Results (2004/5).R&D Coordination Department, MoWR. Add is Ababa, Ethiopia
10. MoWR (2005). A detailed study on Phased implementation plan for the establishment of the Water resources Research Institute, WRRI: Financial proposal for IPTRID/FAO. R&D Coordination Department, MoWR, November, 2005.Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Annex I: Background on Summary of Questionnaire Results: Identification of Water Related Research Issues
In October 2004 the Research and Development Coordinating Department of the Ministry of Water Resources distributed a questionnaire to about 40 agencies and groups working in the water sector in Ethiopia. The questionnaire asked participants to indicate priority areas of research activity in topic areas under the general headings of
(I) Water Resources and Watershed Management;
(II) Water Supply and Sanitation;
(III) Irrigation and Drainage;
(IV) Hydraulic Structures and Hydropower;
(V) Socio-Economy, Environment and Water Quality;
(VI) Construction Materials and Electro-Mechanical Equipment; and
(VII) Other Water Related Research.
Nineteen questionnaires were received from the following respondents:
- Addis Ababa University/Dept. of Civil Engineering
- Addis Ababa University/Dept. Geology and Geophysics
- Addis Ababa University/Institute for Developmental Research (IDR)
- Addis Ababa Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
- Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI)
- Arba Minch University/Arba Minch Water Technology Institute
- BIK Engineering
- Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO)
- EARO/Werer
- EARO/Werer/Fentaw Abegaz
- Metaferia Consulting Engineers (MCE)
- MoWR/Dam and Hydropower Department
- Oromiya Bureau of Mines and Energy
- Plan Ethiopia
- Water Resources Development Bureau – Mekelle
Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI)
- Mohammed Oumer (private)
- Kebede Belete
- unidentified
The responses under the general headings were summarized through problem analysis & Implications.
September, 2006
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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