Monday, May 23, 2011

What the Cush Elders saw in the resurgence movement in Tahrir: ‘Brotherhood’ in an Arab Awakening and Pan-africanism in an African Renaissance

The Children of the Nile Delta are African as much as they are Arab.
Egypt, a cradle of human civilization is amongst the top ranked African nations both in its land area and population. It is an African Nation with a long history of trade and connections with both its African and the Middle Eastern neighbours along the Nile, the Mediterranean and the Red sea. Though the population is Arab, and the Arab connection is overriding its culture, its long history is the mixture of Cushitic and Semitic origin and influence. Hence, to the African elders, whatever happens there possess an African element and it is African as much as it is Arabic.
As a result, the elders of the Cushitic tribes, Nations and Nationalities saw a great deal of themselves in the spring activities in the Nile delta.
They saw ‘traditional’ community polity (pan africanism?? ) in the resurgence as they did (Egyptian) brother hood. Therefore concluded that the movement is an African renaissance as it is an Arab awakening.

‘The truth and dawn clears up/brightens in time’
It stemmed from neo colonial periods. Their leaders gave in for intolerant, non- accommodating and greedy alien forces(neo conservatives and their progenies-''they say!'') and rushed for resource exploitation and land grabbing and power mongering. They sang a verse of a petty thief and advised their followers to’  ‘take part and chip-in the robbery of their fathers house’’
Their socio-economic formation is shattered, compromise and accommodation is lost and disparity in society increased.
The resulting market chaos and the experimental democratic experience and corporate interests only brought nepotism, corruption and the reign of falsehood. Success and failure became random as life and death. As the sense of nationality/citizenship was no longer able to respect the rights and dignity of its subjects, the commoner and the entity, one thing became clearer-the desire and determination for change. They marched for dignity, freedom, the right to life and pursue of happiness.
This quest for an alienable right to life, freedom and per suit of happiness was the American dream, was it not??

‘I am because we are’: Pan Africanism Vs Globalization

They were in groups as a community with a common goal for a common good. They were searching for universal truth and their purpose in life, and the rights to it. But, everybody was not along with their aspirations. What is amazing is that few of them deserted partisanship and caved in for bipartisanship with alien forces. They neglected what their country and people deserve, require and   aspire; opting for petty and worldly gains. The shroud political economy of globalization and global culture , they form part of, is supported and promoted by the hidden hands of the market to the level, energy and resources very hard to imagine. According to Thomas freedman(a New York Times reporter),that was how the thriving Mac Donalds..... and the ‘iron fist’ of Mac Donald Douglas work and got in hand in hand.
There is an old saying that goes as ‘’A hyena breaches/enters your compound through the aperture left by your dogs’’. so much so, these invisible hand of the incoming  free market, unfair world trade and globalization shattered parity, bred greed, and above all sever their roots to destroy the population and the 3,000 years of culture; they had nothing left but to opt to resist, to organize and mobilize as one.  Every soul in the square was because they were.
There were urban and rural destitute, middle class and the wealthy. There were women and men, young and old. There were illiterates and the learned and educated. They were marching, chanting and fighting as one. Almost all the millions were coerced, but were no longer set to be intimidated not to stand along the weak, and the oppressed. They required no outside persuasion to fight for the distressed and the burdened.
These were secular and religious, the devout individual and clergy. However, they were mostly faceless, nameless and address less in the eyes of the international media which looks for and makes heroes and villains.
But they were the true Egyptians.
Each showed partisanship to one self/ownself, and to Egypt, to their culture, way of thinking and their own perception of what is right and wrong. They orchestrated dignity and showed respect and self confidence.
They knew what they want. And what they are against. There was no confusion in their part what so ever, and hence no need for a leader. Everybody was contributing what it can.  Amongst all these, they didn’t forget their worldly and divine duties-these were the children of the Nile filled with the spirits of  Mussa (pbuh)/or of Mosses-whoever you call him-(May peace and blessing of the almighty be upon him!!).He who in search of light for the dark ,cold winter night and  the way/ route to Egypt got back with an eternal light for the whole world and guidance to ’jennah’-paradise.
The shinning glory and bliss, or at least part of it is, ''Insha Allah'', poised to be in the making across the Red Sea and along in the Nile Delta. For now, however, the battle is ragging. Many a times the propaganda and twisted talks and information about extremes is championing the western world, and confusing  us  of the distinct difference between the truth and falsehood. This is ‘cleverly’ poisoned by sometimes presenting them as just personal or group opinions, the speakers are entitled to make. This should not make us loose our balance, as at the end, anyhow, falsehood is bound to perish.
Pertinent to the above the reality is that we are so divided and hence, one’s hero is somebody else’s villain. Some hard facts e.g. oppression of the masses, killings and torture are seen as being the right things to do and necessary in the cases when they or their accomplices  do it, and utterly wrong thought of , leave alone done, or  planned  against them.
The use of force, heavy armour, halts of public services etc. Against the peaceful protesters is just the reflection of the above, and different interest groups dream to fool us 24/7 about it.
But for us there is only one truth, and let’s continue to asses and address it.
As the police left the streets and their neighborhood and started looting or looting started, the true children of the awakening showed up in mass, in force and as ONE and  salvaged their  community, and as a result, Egypt and the Egyptian society.

They exhibited/paraded wisdom, and passion.

After all, they displayed brotherhood. There was no one, at least in the mainstream group /cluster, trying to make personal gains or cheap profits. They stood for each other. It was free lodging, food, medic care, and sanitary services.
These were the soldiers of the ultimate truth, full of energy, enthusiasm and vision. The old assumption of the Arab/African street has changed into a dormant careless, corrupt consumer shrouded in individualism was brought to the limelight to be proven wrong. The question and assertions that they no longer care to fight against society’s ills and struggle for common good was put to an acid test...Even the thought that they were western educated modern and face book generation ,later started to give some way to an equal  reality of the other side of the coin.
They were no more the labelled ‘dangerous mob’ that needs to be controlled. They were civilized, peaceful and orderly. They demonstrated social consciousness based on citizenship and patriotism based on social consciousness. Their quest was for democratic aspirations, dignity and respect.
They only demanded their universal rights for freedom, the right to life and pursue happiness
The other side became more desperate and rouge.
These opponents used every text book tactics of defaming, character assassination ...kidnapping and executions. They brutally attacked, shot and killed the peaceful fighters. They thought fear and agony will drive them out of the streets. They were wrong
The fear factor was long gone. They did not waver, fail or falter...The Wednesday and Thursday nights of the final assault by the thugs and the breathtaking footages are and will remain a living memory and reminder for the dictatorial regimes who gave their allegiance to their external worldly masters and interests, and failed in their public duty and futile partnership to their people.
It is a vivid example of what to expect not only to the above, but also for those expected to follow suit on either side.
We believe that they will not allow sectarianism or instigated disturbances to derail their march for the good of all the people.

'We are realistically optimist.!!'

The rulers and the subjects will come to their senses and the land of the Great Nile delta and the pyramids will come to the limelight of civilization and ‘modernization' again in an Arab awakening and /or African renaissance.
We hope, they will not sell their revolution to rampant groups composed of white elephants who will try to re-invent the wheel, or disguised under misleading egos. Besides, we hope they will not subcontract their movement to external forces.

’’Truth may become thin, but it will never split or disintegrate.’’

'....what a saying this is!!' to close the commentary with...?
See you some other time ...

Narrated By:  Laga Baso

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